Goat Farming Consultancy Service by Goatwala Farm

So you took Goat Farming Training and started a farm. After some time, you realized that you are not getting expected profit or you are actually in the loss. The reasons are a high mortality rate, less weight gain by goats, poor management of farm due to less experience, etc.

Goat farming needs good expertise. You learn it by experience. In this situation, you need advice from professional goat farmer or institute. Institutes like CIRG offers consultancy service on payment basis. There are some professional goat farmers like Goatwala offering such services.

Goatwala is one of the successful farm run by Deepak Patidar. In this article, I am going to share Information on Goat Farming Consultancy Service by Goatwala.


We are not related or affiliated to Goatwala farm. This information is shared in good faith for benefits of the farmers. You should directly discuss with Goatwala farm for your requirement. We are not responsible if you do not get the expected result out of using this service.

Goatwala farm is having 2 packages.

Need Basis Package/per day package

In this plan, you need to visit the Goatwala farm and provide your requirement. You need to finalize terms and conditions with them. Farm staff visits your farm and visit fees will be payable in advance and it will be Rs. 10,000/day basis.

Refer this link for complete information.

Annual  Consultancy

The charges of the annual consultancy are Rs. 135000 for 100 goats. This package contains all the facility of the Teleconferencing and video conferencing. The farm also provides vaccination and deworming facility and company representative will be do all this at the concerned farm. The representative will reach 5-6 times, depending upon the schedule of vaccination of PPR, FMD, ET, HS, Goat Pox etc.

Refer this Annual Consultancy for complete information.

Common term and service

Goatwala organization is not responsible for sales and marketing of your finished product (Live Animals, meat, milk, fiber, Skin etc.), but they can support you for obtaining the good value of your product.


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